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Accenture Associate Software Engineer Pinoyexchange


Jul 28, 2018  Associate Software Engineer Tasks Design, deploy and support best in class software development processes and tools. Define the module specific.

Contents • • • • • If you are a new Accenture employee, these tips can help you get staffed on exciting projects and get the most out of your career at Accenture in terms of professional development and merits. Become the Favorite of a Managing Director Accenture is very a political organization and your success very much depends on who you befriend. Being the favorite of a (i.e. Partner or Senior Executive) will help you get staffed on better projects and get promoted. It can also help make your work life more bearable in other ways. My advice is to try to find a Managing Director (MD) you like and who specializes in the type of projects you are most interested in. Make sure he really likes you on a personal level.

Become his favorite, and work long hours solely for him. Try to make him your as well. It’s important to choose an MD that you yourself like. If you can’t stand any of the MDs in your department, you may have a problem. A Senior Manager or even a Manager can also work as your 'sponsor', but they will have less power to fight for you when upper management gathers to decide on promotions. If you like analysis and have some time on the you could even map out who is a favorite of whom. If a specific Managing Director has many people (or 'resources') on his team that are up for promotion the same month as you are, you might want to choose someone else, as he can only help to get a few people promoted.

Accenture Associate Software Engineer Salary Pinoyexchange

I recommend you learn how the political game and favoritism works within Accenture. Don’t Ask for Permissions Don’t ask for permission within Accenture – there is always someone who will say no. For example, if you want to specialize in SAP for airlines, start building your expertise and personal brand in this area; don’t ask if it is ok. Skoda octavia 2 olx. If they allocate you to Oracle installations it will be difficult, but you have to set your own career goals. Let everyone know what your strong points are. One way to accomplish this is to do a presentation on your area of interest (e.g. SAP for airlines) as an office training or as a firm-wide web broadcast.

Use your Data Gathering to Build Client Relations As an analyst or consultant, one of your main tasks will be to gather information for the project you are working on. Much of this activity will consist of searching the internet for statistics and collecting client documentation. However, you will also need to conduct qualitative interviews with directors within the client organization. This is a great opportunity to build client relations. There is much competition among Accenture employees to spend time with the important directors at client organizations.


If you are the one with the best relationship to a Vice President or Director at a large company, in the long run you will be seen as more valuable to Accenture. After building credibility, you will be viewed as the best person to make a sale to that client. Relationships with these key people are also valuable because you might get job offers from them. Furthermore, you will benefit from those contacts if you decide to become a freelance consultant.