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Pspice To Ltspice Converter Weight

The following list HSPICE specific parameters which have been used in BSIM3v3 models extracted for HSPICE. Programming in objective c pdf 3rd edition. BINFLAG - This is not used for PSpice. Hi all, I'm trying to find a suitable power fet to control a pulsed output. I found this Pspice model and thought I worked out how to convert it to LT. Help Converting a PSPICE MOSFET. OnSemi provides a few spice models for this part and I am getting stuck converting the Pspice file so that it is usable in LTspice. Logilink usb 2.0 to serial adapter driver windows 7.

Hi Guys I have some SPICE code that runs perfectly in HSPICE but will not run in PSPICE due to issues with 'subcircuit expansion.' If there's any experts out there who could take a quick look at this and let me know what the issue might be I'd appreciate it. Click to expand.[snip] Are you using PSpice 'raw', i.e. Without schematic capture? Both PSpice Schematics and Capture (gag me with a spoon) have the correct netlist TEMPLATE contained within the symbol.

(Not that I should be one to criticize. I went for MANY years drawing schematics with pencil and paper, numbering nodes, hand-typing netlists, and batch-loading into Berkeley Spice 2G6 on an old VAX, IIRC, 1170. Then I discovered PC's and bought my first 386 for $6K. Cheap because it was a clone.Jim Thompson.

Quoting Mike Engelhardt (who develops and maintains LTspice): LTspice understands some hspice syntax. For example, it understands single quotes for parameter substitution as well as '.lib 'file.lib' FAST' syntax. It won't usually be able to understand a '$' symbol as the start of a comment in-line. Usually this is enough to be able to run 3rd party foundry BSIM3 models without modification as long as all dimensions, areas, and perimeters are specified. LTspice development policy is that went there is a conflict between PSpice and hspice syntax, LTspice will follow PSpice because it a more widely used standard.

And also, LTspice does not do the Philips MOS 9 device. As I recall, that model is now open sourced but it is in FORTRAN.

Also, I should mention that a general rule is that LTspice does not do the hspice-specific semiconductor enhancements. You can use the 2nd edition of Semiconductor Device Modeling with SPICE by G. Massobrio and P. Antognetti as a good reference for hspice vs PSpice device enhancements. Retrospect 8 2 keygen torrent. The PSpice enhancements in that book can be used as an LTspice manual. And then on IBIS, No, IBIS isn't in LTspice.

I think IBIS was an Intel invention that allowed them to give behavioral descriptions of their I/O pins without giving out implementation details. Anyway, I think IBIS amounts largely to an IV curve. The DC curve you can put in an IV lookup table. To do the dynamic behavior, you're better off with some kind of transistor level model of the device.

Pspice Model In Ltspice

Converting pspice to lt spice

Download Ltspice Models

Attached is an example of using a lookup table in a current source. I don't know if it's otherwise documented anywhere. Version 4 SHEET 1 880 680 WIRE -32 320 -32 288 WIRE -32 208 -32 176 WIRE -32 176 -160 176 WIRE -160 176 -160 208 WIRE -160 288 -160 320 FLAG -160 320 0 FLAG -32 320 0 SYMBOL current -32 208 R0 SYMATTR InstName I1 SYMATTR Value tbl(-5 -1 -2.5 0 0 1 1 5 2) SYMBOL voltage -160 192 R0 SYMATTR InstName V1 SYMATTR Value 0 TEXT -152 368 Left 0!dc V1 -5 5 1m But from someone else on IBIS and LTspice: I use a free utility from IntuSoft called IBIS2SPICE. It reads in IBIS models (up to version 2.1) and generates an equivalent behavioural spice model. It's originally intended to generate a model compatible with Intusoft's spice, but can be configureed to generate models for other spices based on a template file. There's a templeate file available on the net somewhere to configure it for PSpice models. I can't really vouch for the accuracy of the models it generates, and it's limited to IBIS version 2.1.

Generally it would be a great feature to have in LTSpice, but I guess it's not a priority for LT's chip designers, IBIS tends to be used primarily by board designers for board level Signal Integity analysis. The above comments are from some years ago.

Perhaps that will help some.