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Reviewed by eustfam 8/10 I have seen 'King of Kings', 'The Greatest Story Ever Told', 'Jesus ofNazareth', 'The Jesus Film', 'Jesus Christ, Superstar', and now, 'TheGospel According to John.' This, to me, is the most scripturalpresentation so far. The acting was superb considering the actors hadto contend with a dialogue that was taken straight out of the Bible.The actor who portrayed Jesus (Cusick) gave a very refreshing portrayalof Jesus, the man. I especially liked it when he smiled! I remember Maxvon Sydow's and Robert Powell's portrayal of Jesus and they were too'somber'.It seemed like I was reading the Gospel of John while watching thefilm. Though the movie was quite long (the gospel account has 21chapters!),I was never bored. Reviewed by jimmyboy13 I saw this movie last weekend.
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The Gospel torrents - This is a story about a successful young R&B singer that has an unlikely homecoming when his father, the bishop, becomes ill. Torrent Description: This is a New Way to Download The Movie The Gospel 2005 iTALiAN DVDRip XivD-EgLArea51-ts info Movie Torrent in HD Quality. The Gospel 2005 iTALiAN DVDRip XivD-EgLArea51-ts info DVD Print, 1080p, 720p and Bluray.
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The weekend before I saw 'Passion of theChrist'. The 'Gospel of John' is truly a line-by-line presentation of theGospel of John, and I thought the actors did an excellent job. The moviewas top-quality in all aspects, which was a pleasant surprise. Too manypast Christian-produced films have been pretty low on the qualitystandard.Anyway, the best part of this movie is that the spoken dialogue and thenarration is actually what's written in the English translation of theBible, and that is the most important thing here. God says that it's 'hisword that goes out and does the work it was sent to do', and that 'faithcomes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.' People don't need tohear opinions, variations, or whatever.
The world's full of that stuff,andyes there's a place for it. However, what will be most effective intouching people's hearts is for them to read/hear the word of God, andthatis the main reason why this film is most excellent.Everyone should see this film. Reviewed by cubes007 10/10 This film was surprisingly very good. Unlike Mel Gibson's 'The Passion ofChrist' this movie can serve both Christians and non-Christians as acohesive educational experience. But this isn't a boring, conservativeChristian movie. All really good dramas are character-driven and thepotrayal/interpretation of Jesus in this movie is so strong that if I werethe crying type I very well might have. Jesus is very genuine,compassionate, emotional, yet self-controlled.
Free Gospel Movie Downloads
At first I wasn't quitesoldby Henry Ian Cusick's style, but his sincerity was really consistentthroughout the movie and I was convinced about 20 minutes into the movieatmost. Other users have commented on how they were surprised by Jesus'simpatience with the discples or loud tone when speaking to the PhariseesbutI have to say, if you've read the Gospels then you should expect Jesus tobedemonstrative and uninhibited, as circumstances dictate.As others have said, this movie is a faithful adaptation of the gospel ofJohn. I thought that having every single word of the book either spoken bycharacters or narrated was a necessary and intelligent decision to make.Tohear the Word allows you to consider the actors & director'sinterpretationof certain events & verses, and also to simply consider the Word foryourself in a comprehensive manner. After all, how often does one everreadstraight through the book of John?Watching this movie really helps the Christian understand Jesus'incredibly difficult situation.